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transliteration2 [2015/08/28 19:02]
transliteration2 [2020/10/09 23:14] (aktuální)
Řádek 1: Řádek 1:
 +<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
 +<script type="text/javascript">
 +/* Javascript functions */
 +function JSfunc()
 + /* Making transliteration! */
 + this.strTranslit = function(el)
 + {
 + new_el = document.getElementById('out');
 + A = new Array();
 +A["Ә"]="Ë";A["ә"]="ë";A["Ң"]="Ng"; A["ң"]="ng"; A["Ғ"]="Gh";A["ғ"]="gh";A["Ө"]="Ö"; A["ө"]="ö";A["Қ"]="Kh"; A["қ"]="kh";
 + new_el.value = el.value.replace(/([\u0400-\u1100])/g,
 + function (str,p1,offset,s) {
 + if (A[str] != 'undefined'){return A[str];}
 + }
 + );
 + }
 + /* Normalizes a string, eю => eju */
 + this.strNormalize = function(el)
 + {
 + if (!el) { return; }
 + this.strTranslit(el);
 + }
 +var oJS = new JSfunc();
 +===== Transcription and transliteration of Cyrillic to Latin ONLINE =====
 +Type or copy the text in Cyrillic in <html><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: pink">pink box</font></html> under the table.
 +<html><p style="text-align: right"><script async src="//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script><!-- Decent --><ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:inline-block;width:180px;height:150px" data-ad-client="ca-pub-9546886698764857" data-ad-slot="7898966567"></ins><script>(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});</script></center></p></html>
 +====== Transliteration of Ukrainian Cyrillic into Latin ONLINE ======
 +In simple: = TRANSCRIPTION is using for normal reading, TRANSLITERATION = (almost) exact transcript of the letters in the letter.
 +You can choose other types of transfers from the Cyrillic into the Latin alphabet:
 +<html><center><div class="table sectionedit3">
 +<table class="inline">
 + <tbody>
 + <tr class="row0">
 +      <th class="col0">Transcription </th>
 +      <th class="col1">Transliteration</th>
 +    </tr>
 + <tr>
 + <td>
 + </html>**[[transcription|Russian:]]**<html><br> Sample (RU):<br> 
 +Отче наш, сущий на небесах, да святится имя Твое.<br> 
 +Ottshe nash, sushtschiy na niebesakh, da svyatitsya imya Tvoye.
 + <td></html>**[[transliteration|Russian and most of the Cyrillic fonts:]]**<html><br> Sample (RU):<br> 
 +Отче наш, сущий на небесах, да святится имя Твое.<br> 
 +Otče naš, suŝij na nebesah, da svâtitsâ imâ Tvoe.
 + </td>
 + </tr>
 + <tr>
 + <td>
 + </html>**[[transcription2|Most of the Cyrillic fonts:]]**<html><br>Belorussian,<br> 
 +<b>Sample (KZ):</b><br> 
 +Коктеги Экемiз! Сенiн киелi есiмiн кастерлене берсiн.<hr>
 +Әкімшілік жағынан 14 облыс және республикалық<br>
 +маңызы бар 3 қалаға бөлінеді.<br>
 +Koktegi Ekemiz! Senin kieli esimin kasterlene bersin.<hr>
 +Äkimshilik zhaghynan 14 oblys zhäne respublikalykh<br>
 +manjyzy bar 3 khalagha bölinedi.
 +<b>Sample(BY):</b>Колькасць насельніцтва — 9,5 млн чалавек<br>
 +Kol'kasc' nasel'nictva — 9,5 mln tshalavek<br>
 +<b>Sample(BG):</b> Общата площ на Съветския съюз<br>
 +Result:<br>Obshtschata ploshtsch na S'vetskiya s'yuz
 + <td style="background-color: rgb(153, 255, 153);"></html>**[[transliteration2|Ukrainian:]]**<html><br> Sample (UA):<br> 
 +Отче наш, що єси на небесах, нехай святиться ім'я Твоє.<br> 
 +Otče naš, ščo yesy na nebesach, nechaj svjatyt'sja im'ja Tvoye. 
 + </td>
 + </tr>
 + </tbody>
 + </table></body>
 +<p><p><b>Write (paste) the text in Cyrillic:</b></p>
 +<textarea onkeyup="oJS.strNormalize(this)" style="height:10em;width:100%;background-color: pink" id="in"></textarea>
 +<textarea style="height:10em;width:100%" id="out"></textarea>
 +<center><b><a href ="http://www.cesty.in">http://www.cesty.in</b></a><br>
 +Be IN :-)
transliteration2.txt · Poslední úprava: 2020/10/09 23:14 (upraveno mimo DokuWiki)